Hair Regrowth for Men Naturally

It usually happens that a father starts losing his hair on his mid-twenties, and now his siblings are starting to experience the same around that time. If that sounds familiar, don’t panic. Modern medicine and ancient wisdom can join together into effective hair regrowth treatments that will bring back your youth with an appealing new profile.

Hair regrowth treatments are not just a matter of fashion

Hair loss is not a new problem in humankind. Early in the year 1553 BC, the oldest medical text, called Ebers Papyrus, included a remedy for hair loss. Just imagine a mixture of onions, honey, iron oxide, alabaster, red lead, and fat from lions, snakes, and other animals. The remedy was to drink it after reciting a verse for the gods. After that early attempt, the Father of the Modern Medicine, Hippocrates, created another mixture that should be applied directly on the scalp.

Even the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar was worried about his hair and used a hairstyle similar to the comb-over to cover his bald spot. No doubt men want to keep their hair, no matter how old they are, and there are plenty of modern methods to do so. Today’s medicine and recent findings in the cosmetic industry finally brought some common sense to ancient remedies and turned them into regrowth treatment.

Today we have an entirely different approach to Hair Extensions. We no longer need a verse or prayer to make our treatments work. Now we know exactly what is hair, what it needs to be stronger, and why people from the same family suffer from hair loss. With this knowledge, new vitamin supplements are made available, and keratin is becoming one of the most valuable tools for hairstylists and image consultants.

True science. True therapies. True results

The human body is covered with hair follicles, and most of them create such tiny hair fibers that nobody can see them. But some areas produce more thick hair, and they are especially abundant in the scalp. Hair fibers are complex and have several layers of cells and protein. One of these layers is named cortex and contains abundant keratin bundles that give bright and strength to each strand. This is why keratin supplement products are being used to keep the hair’s strength and brightness. One of them is the Ultrax Labs Hair Rush DHT Blocking Hair Loss Maxx Hair Growth Nutrient Solubilized Keratin Supplement, which also contains researched vitamins, minerals and herbs formulated to keep your hair’s health.

On the other hand, the hair follicle is the one responsible for hair growth. It contains the hair bulb and cells that build together the hair filaments. Different nutrients are vital for hair follicles to function as they should. However, many different things may affect them, and two of them are genetics and hormones. These cases might be complicated to treat, but modern medicine can fix it by controlling the action of testosterone in hair follicles. Such a treatment is usually expensive and requires a follow-up by specialists.