At What Age Hair Transplant Should Be Done

People are mostly confused as to what is the right age for hair transplant. Individuals lose up to 100 strands of hair daily and these re-grow naturally.

People are mostly confused as to what is the right age for hair transplant. Individuals lose up to 100 strands of hair daily and these re-grow naturally.


As you mature hair loss pattern would continuously change. There are many reasons why a person below the age of 25 should not go in for a hair transplant without analysis from an experienced surgeon. It has been observed that if anyone in the age group of 20 or 24 years of age develop hair loss they might be bald by the age of 50 years than a person who loses hair at the age of 35 or 40 years of age.

There are many reasons why should you not opt for a hair transplant at an early age.

The area and rate of hair loss are very difficult to predict.

A disease or an infection might be missed out.

As the patient ages, the hairline would look unnatural after hair transplant.

It should an important aspect to keep in mind that every individual is not a successful candidate for a hair transplant. Hair fall is mostly affected by a hormone called DTH or Androgenic Alopecia then you can opt for hair transplant.


before after results | hair transplant in Ludhiana


There are two types of hair transplantation FUE and FUT. FUE hair transplant is surgery from where hair follicles are extracted individually from the donor area and transplanted to the recipient area and it is a scar less procedure. FUT is a procedure a strip consisting of the hair follicle is extracted and implanted on the recipient area which requires stitches…

As soon as you notice hair fall try out natural remedies to fight hair loss. You need to be alert if you don’t try for hair loss remedies at a very young age you may o bald by the time you reach 35 or 40 years.


The important to prevent hair loss include daily exercising and good healthy eating habits. Healthy eating habits will ensure your body is getting all the vitamins and minerals for hair growth. Many natural remedies can reverse hair loss naturally when used regularly. They might be effective eg: soy seeds, castor oil, fenugreek seeds, onion juice, aloe vera juice, garlic, pure honey, apple cider vinegar, coconut milk, etc.


A younger patient should wait for a hair transplant procedure if going to fix your hairline, you may continue to lose hair and baldness will occur in the crown area, you might require another transplant.




Hair transplant is relocating the bald resisting hairs from the back of the head to the balding areas.It is a lifetime process as the hairs taken from the back of the head are genetically resistant to baldness no matter where they relocated. Patients are administered local anesthesia in the donor and recipient areas and they don’t feel pain or any discomfort. After the Hair Transplant surgery, you might feel some discomfort as anesthesia wears out.


Hair loss is not limited to a certain age and likewise, hair transplantation has no age requirement. A younger patient can not estimate the chance of hair loss gradually. The best thing is to keep your hair loss upgraded and fix an appointment with the surgeon