CRM Inbound Marketing Strategy: Best Practices You Should Know

More often than not, entrepreneurs put a lot of effort into improving their sales and marketing functions. Ultimately, these two aspects of your business are responsible for securing more customers. However, it is not enough that you simply invest in sales tools and Best CRM software solutions. It is more important for you to follow your best practices to maximize your investment and ensure that they are strengthening your sales and marketing goals. In this article, we will provide you with a brief description of the top CRM best practices that you can use for your operations.


Customer relationship management has played a key role in inbound marketing and sales strategies. It provides marketers and sales professionals with all the information they need to improve interactions with customers and get more conversions. This is why it is no surprise that Custom CRM Software have become one of the top technologies that support customer engagement in terms of customer retention (99%) and customer acquisition (69%).


But of course, as an entrepreneur, you should also be aware that having a CRM platform at your disposal does not ensure better customer engagement efforts. For you to be able to reap the benefits of these software solutions, you have to implement strong inbound marketing and sales strategies with it. These will allow you to attract, engage and convert potential customers as quickly as possible without compromising the quality of each lead.


Compared to traditional marketing, inbound marketing can help you save up to 62% in costs for each lead. In addition, this strategy allows companies to produce conversion rates that are six times higher than those that use an outbound marketing strategy.Similarly, in a study by Aberdeen Group, the results showed that more than 64% of teams reach and even exceed their quota when they use the inbound sales strategy for their operations. With these said, it only makes sense that you maximize your CRM efforts by using inbound CRM strategies.

To help you get started, we have listed some of the best CRM practices that you should consider implementing. But before we get ready for that kitty-gritty, let us first discuss what is inbound sales and what is inbound marketing. In this way, you should know how essential they are and how they can strengthen your actions.

What is inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing is the process of attracting and engaging which converts them into paying customers. Lead Management Software careful analysis of your target audience, careful creation of valuable content for customers and leads, as well as religious follow-up on prospects.

As opposed to outbound marketing, where businesses promote their brand in the hope of protecting customers, the main purpose of inbound marketing is for businesses to provide a personalized experience to customers. By doing so, they can build their credibility as a brand and build strong relationships with their customers.

Some examples of inbound marketing practices are content marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, attention reporting, and lead flow management. Having a knowledge base for contact history, contact details, and customer profiles is also an effective inbound marketing technique that many companies use to support their operations.

What is inbound sales?


Inbound sales is a way in which sales professionals act as consultants for agents who potentially offer products and services rather than agents that anyone may be interested in. Like inbound marketing, inbound sales emphasize providing an enjoyable customer experience rather than resorting to a vigorous sales strategy.

With inbound sales, you pay for advertisements with cold calls, scripted pitches, direct mail, and more targeted techniques that revolve around leads’ preferences.

When used with inbound marketing, inbound sales serve as a way through which your representatives can welcome interested leads who are in contact with your company. By the time prospects emerge, your sales agents should be able to use sales management software to figure out how to get them better and close deals faster.


CRM Inbound Marketing Best Practice


Inbound marketing and sales strategy are only as good as your execution. It depends a lot on how well you use your CRM platform. To help you, we have listed some of the CRM best practices that you should consider implementing to strengthen your campaigns. Above all, you can take a look at these Sales CRM Software optimization tips to get the most out of your platform.

Maximize Your Sales Agents Using Lead Distribution

There are plenty of leads for your sales agents to catch. However, there is a possibility that some of your sales professionals are following the same lead. This can create friction between employees and waste the time and effort of your team. To ensure that this does not happen, you need to use lead distribution. With this, all you need to do is set the parameter through which your software will take auto-assignment to delegates. You can do this based on criteria such as geography, demographic, industry or expertise. By doing this, you can maximize each sales representative, tap more leads, and speed up the sales process with ease.

In fact, according to an analysis by Velocify, the use of a lead delivery strategy can increase response time and increase lead conversion compared to manual lead delegation.

Zero in strong leads through lead scoring

While you need to be as secure as you can, it is important that you pay more attention to the people who are most likely to convert into paying customers. This is where lead scoring comes in handy. Using this, marketers and sales professionals can pinpoint the status of a lead in the sales pipeline as well as provide them with all kinds of information about contact information and prospects ranging from profession to interest level and past interactions . By focusing on these figures, it is easier to find the probability of conversion and determine how much effort you should put into following them.

Lead nutrition goes directly to them

Communication is an important part of building relationships with customers. Therefore, it goes without saying that entrepreneurs should keep in touch to re-establish them in the sales funnel. To nurture your leadership, you should follow them. Some Sales CRM will allow you to create personalized bulk emails ahead of time so that you do not ignore any leads.There are also platforms that can support multi-channel lead nurturing so that you can leverage social media, paid targeting, and even website building to engage your prospects more effectively. These are some of the key nutrition techniques that you can use to boost your sales.

Create buyer to reinforce your campaign plan

Inbound marketing and sales rely on providing leads with valuable experiences that drive them to patronize your brand. This can be done by creating a campaign to focus on a certain demographic or publishing content that can address the concerns of your potential customers.However, it can be challenging to design campaigns that entice specific types of leads. To make it simple, you need to create a buyer.

Buyer personalities are research-based representations of the customers you want to acquire. It should include specific details, including interests, shopping habits, age, location and the like.

Once you have created a profile for your buyer personality, you can start designing targeted campaigns that are bound to capture these leads.

Leverage your content to boost conversions

One of the most effective ways to attract businesses is to give them information that speaks to them.To do this, you must first understand the interests and concerns of your customers using lead management. This will allow you to create more specific content that can promote conversions. Correspondingly, you can also use conversation history to see what kind of content your leads might be looking for.