Affordable Drivers Training Courses Classes School Edmonton

Weather can be a problem when you drive, especially in Edmonton, where there is a lot of snow. Moreover, if the weather is extreme, driving problems increase. According to reports, winter storms and snowfall on the roads are the main factors for more than half a million accidents on the roads. Unfortunately, mortality is higher in accidents that occurred in such climatic conditions. Therefore, it is extremely important to know the tips and tricks so as not to lose traction and travel safely in the winter in Edmonton.
Below are the recommendations of our experienced instructors, which you should always follow.
Cold weather driving
Keep reserves for yourself and for your car. It includes food water, heaters, flashlights, medicines, a glass scraper, chains and tire locks, as well as additional batteries, if possible.
Always check if you are using winter tires in good condition and well inflated.
In winter, store at least half the fuel tank.
When warming up your car, park it outdoors to adjust the temperature.
Always be vigilant and never use artificial assistance such as cruise control or quick gear changes.
Snow Driving Tips
The best option is to stay home. Leave home only when necessary. You can avoid risk only when you are not faced with it.
When you hit the road, always remember to drive slower in short gears. Thus, you are more likely to have better grip.
Clutch performance is also very important. Never accelerate or slow down gradually. Progression will allow the threads to stick to the surface and never slip on a snowy surface.
Always keep your distance for six seconds while following. This extended period will allow the driver to brake easily without the risk of skidding.
Check the brake response as soon as possible to find out how much pressure and time you will need to stop the car when signals and turns are exceeded.
If you want to save fuel, you can keep your car moving and avoid excessive braking in order to save the energy used when moving the car from stopping. It was that you could also catch signals when you were already on the move.
When driving uphill, never press on the gas while you are on it. Gain momentum before you reach a slope, and gradually increase power consumption. This will not allow you to waste energy when skidding on a hill, and also reduces the likelihood of crawling back and colliding with the next vehicle.
Never shift to higher gears when driving in the snow to maintain maximum power. At higher gears, the generated power will be low and the engine will start knocking. It can also get stuck in the way.

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